• A thorough, COR™ compliant safety program is critical to your company’s success. Let us help you move your program forward by:

    · Developing a fully customized program to meet your specific company needs

    · Working from your existing program and updating it to meet legislative and COR™ requirements

    Throughout the process, we will stay in contact with your management team to ensure all your needs are met.

  • A successful COR™ program requires constant monitoring and maintenance. Audits must be completed annually to receive your Letter of Good Standing from the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Safety Association (NLCSA) and maintain your COR™ status. We can assist with:

    · Ensuring completion of required documentation

    · Review of policy and procedures

    · Completion of internal audits

  • Prior to an external audit by the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Safety Association (NLCSA), your company must complete an internal audit of your company’s safety program to ensure legislative and COR™ compliance. We can assist with:

    · Preparation of documentation for internal audit submission

    · Training your auditor on the COR™ audit instrument and process

    · Completion of interviews

    · Compiling a package for submission to NLCSA for review

    · Worksite compliance inspections

  • According to NL Regulations, as well as manufacturers’ guidelines, fall protection equipment is required to be inspected at least annually by a competent inspector, other than the user. Let us help by:

    · Completing competent inspections of your fall protection equipment

    · Ensuring non-compliant equipment is removed from service